Sunday, February 28, 2010


Moved the blog to wordpress - you can check it out here:

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Time To Say Fuck It, and Man Up.

Last night was a pretty awful night. I went out for the first time in about two weeks to try to game, a two weeks which has seen me get laid off from my job and my car getting towed and costing me over $200 to get it out of the impound, so let’s just say I’m not too happy with my financial situation right now – to put it bluntly, I’m broke as shit – and that’s been weighing on me. I’ve been wanting to get into game for awhile now, because it just hasn’t been as easy to meet girls since I graduated college, but I’ve been using being broke as an excuse this whole time, and now after getting laid off, it’s still somewhat of an excuse to me.

I tried to get past it and go out solo last night, but I wasn’t going to buy myself any drinks – naw, I’m too broke for that. So, I got out later than I would have liked (procrastination), when there were already lines to get in most places, most places were crowded with horrible ratios and I’m sober – the most sober person in the city (out at 12:30AM anyway), and let’s just say I didn’t do too well. I just didn’t even approach much. I made a couple of approaches and had a couple decent conversations, but honestly they were with like 6’s at best and the girls couldn’t even hold my interest very well – we shouldn’t just refer to alcohol as liquid courage, but also “liquid pay attention to lame bitches”, cuz when I’m sober and nobody else is, it’s hard to even care about anything this chick is saying. Yep, gaming is definitely harder without any sort of buzz going – for one, when I’m not buzzed I’m just too conscience of EVERYTHING – my posture, what I’m doing with my hands (I don’t worry about that when a drink is in my hands), people around me, what else is going on, etc. I’m just too overall attentive, instead of focused. When I have that buzz I’m focused. But, this is also what I need to work on, if you can’t game sober, than what’s the point of game? So, I need to work on that – in more ways than one. I need to work on my day game. That’s my focus today – I need to get out in the day and game. Man, I really need to step out of my comfort zone and just approach every chick I see that’s at least like a 7 or up. This whole being scared to approach shit has to stop – it’s not going to get me anywhere very fast. Like really, what do I have to lose if I approach 40 chicks and they all reject me? What do I lose from that? Absolutely nothing – nothing is lost. So, fuck it, I need to step it up. That’s my new focus – I’m literally trying to approach a shit ton of girls tomorrow – I’m day gaming all day and then at night I’m going out again – flying solo again and I’m going to try to rectify tonight, and I’m going to do it sober – no buzz. Fuck it. Gametime.

Monday, February 15, 2010

The Grind

Man, the grind has gotten tougher lately for real. This past week I went out Wed, Thur and Sat night - probably approached like 40 girls when you add them all up and I only walked away with one number and a neck full of Marti Gras beads (both from Saturday night).

Other than that, I'm still fucking the shit out of this chick, who between my beating it up sessions, texts me and tell me I got that good, good, I'm Michael Jackson bad (true story). Oh, and she's doming now, so that streak didn't end.

But yeah, I'm approaching a shit ton and not having great results, but at least I walked away with one number from the weekend, only the chick lives in another city like an hour away from me, although when she was giving me the number, she also said, "it wasn't a problem", so I guess her fine ass is talking about driving an hour for some dick, but we'll see what she's talking about when I give her that call.

I'm just chilling today though, still pissed off that my fucking car got towed last night and I had to take a big loss on the cash just to get it out. I hate taking unnecessary loses. Shit irks me to the core.

I'm trying to figure out if it's worth going out tomorrow and hitting up these Fat Tuesday festivities.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Date One, New Notch.

So, I met with one of the chicks whose number I got on Thursday and it went well. After the date, we went back to my place for a glass of wine and I banged her all over the bedroom. Fun times. Now, I'm just trying to decide if I want to continue to bang her or not. The main reason I do want to keep banging her is to get some head out of it. I love to get my dick sucked, and I'm having a pretty good streak, the last 8 chicks I've banged have all given me head - not all of them did the first night I banged them, but they all did, usually within the first three nights of banging. I don't see why that streak should end, so I'll probably keep fucking with her, at least for a little while.

Other than that, hopefully I can get a nap in when I get off work today and then hit the town up tonight and do some more approaching. I finished Roosh's book (I'll post a review later), and my middle game is solid and my end game has been nice for awhile now, but it's definitely my approaching that needs the most work and if I get that down - I'll be well on my way.

2010 Notch count: 2
2010 Goal: Somewhere between 8-20.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Practicing Approaching

Last night I was supposed to have a date with this chick who has a dick trophy, but she flaked, so I decided to just hit a few bars flying solo and approach a few girls. I went out kind of early, first bar I went to was not packed at all and was a sausage fest, so after having one beer I moved around to a couple other bars. I joked around with bouncers, bartenders and even bums in the street in order to keep myself in the social mood, since this was my first real attempt at flying solo. It took a couple of approaches to really warm-up, but after that I had some decent conversations with chicks. I don't even remember how many approaches I made, I think around 9 0r 10 total and four of them actually led to solid conversation and I got numbers out of two of those. Didn't take anything back that night, but we'll see how these two numbers play out - I'll try to meet up with them for drinks or something next week.

The first number I got was this real cute black chick I happened to see while I was walking down the street after just leaving one of the bars and looking to see where I wanted to go next. She was walking towards me with her fatty friend, but she was definitely looking cute. The approach was fairly easy too, as I was walking up I smiled to her and she looked at me and slowed down her walk in order to let me approach. I don't even remember what my opener was, but she was feeling me from the beginning. She seemed to be a cool chick and we walked down the street together for awhile and at some point her fatty friend stopped to talk to some guy, which was cool cuz then it was just the two of us walking and talking. The funny part was some bum came up in front of us and said, "Y'all two are beautiful together" and gave me some dap. She liked that, she even repeated it back to me with a smile, "you heard that? He said we're beautiful together." Lol, when I get the pussy, I should go back and thank that bum for the co-sign and helping me out. I wound up getting her number and then moving around to make some more approaches, but that was definitely a confidence boost that I needed.

A little while after that, I wound up posted up back in the bar I started out at and was chillin' drinking my beer when three chicks were walking up on the side of me, so I turned around and opened them and talked to them for awhile and the cutest one was the main one talking to me. They were pretty funny, they were three chicks who went to high school together down south, but now all go to different colleges in the same city - I found that pretty funny. Anyway, I tried to get the cute chick's number and she gives me some line like "Oh, my boyfriend's about to come up here and he's a big guy, I'd be scared if I were you." Wtf? Are you serious? Lol, whatever, I'm not scared of your meathead boyfriend at all, but what a hilarious line, that shit make me snicker.

I rolled out of that bar and wound up talking to another group of chicks in the street, where another bum rolled up and said something like "how'd you wind up with these two beautiful ladies?" and the chick I was talking to gave him like $11 to get something to eat, which I thought was absurd - $11 is a lot of freaking money to be handing out to a bum! But, I pulled her number anyway.

A little while after that is started raining pretty hard and I decided it was about time to go, but on my way to the car, I ran from bar to bar hiding under the outside canopies or whatever you call them and talked to whatever cute chicks where next to me doing the same thing. Then, while under one canopy, while I was checking the time on my phone, some mud turtle chick walks up to me and starts up a conversation with an opener like "Hey, I'm so wasted and I'm bout to be 21 in two days", so I talked to her for a little bit, partly thinking about it, because she seemed like a sure thing for sure, but she promptly turned me off by saying "I'm so wasted, I just want to make out with a cute guy right now for my 21st birthday". No way in hell I'm making out with some mud duck in the middle of the street - too many people around, fuck that. So, I told her she should try some club down the street, maybe there's some cute guys in there. She didn't seem too happy with that response, but I didn't give a fuck and went back to ignoring her and playing on my phone. I mean this chick was maybe a 3, so fuck that, it's not even worth it, I'd be approaching 7's and up all night and got numbers from two 8's, I'm not making out with a 3 in the rain in the middle of the street - I'm not that damn desperate.

Anyway, that was my night... my first real step towards improving my game. I still got a long way to go to get to where I feel like I should/could be, but I'm going to make the best of it - believe that.

Oh yeah, and I just got Roosh's book Bang in the mail the other day, so I've started reading that, I'll probably give it a once over and have it finished by the end of the weekend.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Damn, I Answered.

My ex-girlfriend just called. And like a dumbass, I answered. We broke up two and a half weeks ago, and I've called her a couple times, but she never answers when I call. Yet when she calls me I always answer - I even deleted her number on Saturday and said I was going to stop answering when she calls me, there's just no reason to give her the satisfaction of being there to talk whenever she wants somebody to shoot the shit with, yet she never answers when I call. Yet, she's called me twice since then and I still keep answering - fuck. I know the number, so I know it's her calling - as soon as I answered just now I was cussing myself out in my head, like "fuck you weren't supposed to answer, dumbass". Ah, well, I wound up just pissing her off by making fun of how low her GPA was to the point where she said, "I'm gonna get off the phone with you now." Ehh, whatever.

Maybe I should save her number in my phone as "Don't Answer" - then maybe my dumbass would get the picture the next time she calls in a week or so...

UPDATE: LMAO. While I was saving her number as "Don't Answer" in my phone for future reference to remind me to not pick up - my piece of shit phone accidentally called her. I thought I hung up before she could see it, but I guess not, as she just text me saying "Whats up". Lmao, that was actually ammusing to me. At least I'm not pissed at myself anymore, now I'm just laughing about it. Instead of responding to her little "Whats up" text message, I decided instead to text another girl whose number I got a week ago, I simply said "Whats up" lol.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Flying Solo

That boy Roosh had a pretty good blog post about flying solo - one of the best blog posts I've seen on game, so I'm just gonna make this post to redirect to his post on his blog - check it out.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Weak Sauce

Okay, I admit, my attempt to get into the game last night was pretty weak. I went to one bar, walked around, saw maybe a couple of girls, but mainly just a bunch of old guys and the few girls I did see were already with guys or at least talking to guys, so after one walk thru of the bar - I left. No approaches, nothing.

Then I drove over to another spot where a few bars are and I only made one approach, while I was was walking over to the bars a couple chicks were walking past me, so I pretended to play on my cell phone and while walking past them said something like, "how are y'all doing tonight?" No response. They just kept walking. Not off to a good start.

Then again, "how are y'all doing tonight?" almost never works as an opener and I know that, I just didn't have anything better at the time. I've got to come up with better openers.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

New to the Game

Alright, I'm new to the game. I'm 23 and at this point, I've been lucky to get the few notches I have from drunken college parties and facebook, but now I'm going to actually start approaching and trying to learn game. I know I'm cute and intelligent and I feel like I should have bagged way more girls at this point in my life, so time to do something about it.

I'm going to attempt to approach at least 2 girls a day. I know that may not sound to hard, but that's 720 girls a year if I have my math right, so surely I should be able to get my notch count up in 2010. I think my previous best is 7 in a year and that was my junior year of college, I feel like I should easily beat that this year if I approach anywhere close to 720 girls. So, here goes - starting now. I'm about to hop in the shower and hit up a bar real quick tonight and approach two girls - try to get makeouts or at least phone numbers, but if I get nothing, oh well, not really too worried about it, just trying to make that step to actually approaching when I say I will and get my game tighter.

Here goes nothing....