Saturday, February 27, 2010

Time To Say Fuck It, and Man Up.

Last night was a pretty awful night. I went out for the first time in about two weeks to try to game, a two weeks which has seen me get laid off from my job and my car getting towed and costing me over $200 to get it out of the impound, so let’s just say I’m not too happy with my financial situation right now – to put it bluntly, I’m broke as shit – and that’s been weighing on me. I’ve been wanting to get into game for awhile now, because it just hasn’t been as easy to meet girls since I graduated college, but I’ve been using being broke as an excuse this whole time, and now after getting laid off, it’s still somewhat of an excuse to me.

I tried to get past it and go out solo last night, but I wasn’t going to buy myself any drinks – naw, I’m too broke for that. So, I got out later than I would have liked (procrastination), when there were already lines to get in most places, most places were crowded with horrible ratios and I’m sober – the most sober person in the city (out at 12:30AM anyway), and let’s just say I didn’t do too well. I just didn’t even approach much. I made a couple of approaches and had a couple decent conversations, but honestly they were with like 6’s at best and the girls couldn’t even hold my interest very well – we shouldn’t just refer to alcohol as liquid courage, but also “liquid pay attention to lame bitches”, cuz when I’m sober and nobody else is, it’s hard to even care about anything this chick is saying. Yep, gaming is definitely harder without any sort of buzz going – for one, when I’m not buzzed I’m just too conscience of EVERYTHING – my posture, what I’m doing with my hands (I don’t worry about that when a drink is in my hands), people around me, what else is going on, etc. I’m just too overall attentive, instead of focused. When I have that buzz I’m focused. But, this is also what I need to work on, if you can’t game sober, than what’s the point of game? So, I need to work on that – in more ways than one. I need to work on my day game. That’s my focus today – I need to get out in the day and game. Man, I really need to step out of my comfort zone and just approach every chick I see that’s at least like a 7 or up. This whole being scared to approach shit has to stop – it’s not going to get me anywhere very fast. Like really, what do I have to lose if I approach 40 chicks and they all reject me? What do I lose from that? Absolutely nothing – nothing is lost. So, fuck it, I need to step it up. That’s my new focus – I’m literally trying to approach a shit ton of girls tomorrow – I’m day gaming all day and then at night I’m going out again – flying solo again and I’m going to try to rectify tonight, and I’m going to do it sober – no buzz. Fuck it. Gametime.


  1. There's nothing wrong with wanting to have a buzz when you go out at night. I sure as hell don't like to be the sober one when everyone else has been drinking. We're just on different energy levels. If you want to game sober then go out during the day and game sober women. It's easier that way. As for your little being broke no alcohol situation, it's cheaper for you to drink before you go out. My advice is to take 20-30 bucks, go to the liquor store, and buy a handle of rum or something and just take shots or have a couple of drinks right before you head out.

  2. What about sneaking a flask into the club/bar? And just taking sips in the bathroom while taking a piss?

    I've actually thought about it.... Seems like it could work...

  3. That's just stupid. Do it if you want to get permanently banned from the club. Just drink enough before you go out to where you'll be buzzing for awhile. If you feel the need to have a drink in your hand,just order a water and tip like $1 or something.

  4. It takes guts to go out and game girls at a bar by yourself man, especially sober. I give you props for taking that first step! I travel by myself all the time, so I find myself in similar situations. Here are some suggestions:

    Day game is the key to sober pick-up. Go out to the book store or mall on the weekend and practice, get some numbers, and work through some routines.

    As far as going out at night on your own, here are some of the things I do.
    1. Show up kind of late, like you did. Now most of the girls will have a little buzz and honestly that makes it easier to hit on them than if you had a buzz. You will be a fresh face after they have been staring at the same guys for the last 2 hours.
    2. I like to go to places with a band. I go to the front of the stage and just dance and have a good time...I try to think that I am there to have a good time first, and meet girls second.
    3. If I'm not drinking (or if I'm broke and just took a few swigs before I went to the bar) I always get a soda water with a lime. I swear it tricks my brain into thinking that I'm drinking. No one knows it's not a drink, and no one cares anyways.
    4. If you're dancing around, you'll see girls around you that are potential prospects. When you are debating on whether or not you want to hit on them, just do it. This comes down to your inner game. If you were the absolute most successful man in the world, would you try to hit on that girl??? hell yes you act as if you are that man, be that man! Once you talk to one or two girls you get right in the groove and forget about the fact that your note drinking. Someone will probably buy you a drink if you talk to them long enough. Don't tell them your broke, don't tell them anything...just let them buy you things...
