Wednesday, January 20, 2010

New to the Game

Alright, I'm new to the game. I'm 23 and at this point, I've been lucky to get the few notches I have from drunken college parties and facebook, but now I'm going to actually start approaching and trying to learn game. I know I'm cute and intelligent and I feel like I should have bagged way more girls at this point in my life, so time to do something about it.

I'm going to attempt to approach at least 2 girls a day. I know that may not sound to hard, but that's 720 girls a year if I have my math right, so surely I should be able to get my notch count up in 2010. I think my previous best is 7 in a year and that was my junior year of college, I feel like I should easily beat that this year if I approach anywhere close to 720 girls. So, here goes - starting now. I'm about to hop in the shower and hit up a bar real quick tonight and approach two girls - try to get makeouts or at least phone numbers, but if I get nothing, oh well, not really too worried about it, just trying to make that step to actually approaching when I say I will and get my game tighter.

Here goes nothing....

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